Real Estate Agents

A home inspection can be a great business tool in a home pitch. It is beneficial to all parties: The agent, the buyer, and the seller. A thorough, easy to understand  home inspection can put a buyer or seller at ease and give you confidence in the home you are selling. A well-written home inspection can prevent escrow delays and lengthy concession negotiations which speeds the process along, making you stand out from your competitors.

We understand that purchasing a home can be emotional and scary for your clients, and we believe common misconceptions and jargon are what tends to make it difficult on real estate agents. Some inspectors make very common, easy-to-fix issues like a stucco crack seem like the home is going to crumble apart or the roof will cave in from some debris in a valley. It’s because of this we preach communication and easy to understand reports, supported by photos. Too many times we have seen reports that are too long, difficult to understand, and use pass/fail grades (which they should not do!) These things tend to scare the client, and a home inspection should not be scary. Save yourself a headache, try Twinspections on your next home.